Guest Post by Jeanette McVoy

Could you use some extra income, some extra time with your children, or to be able to go on trips every couple months? Would you like to be able to take those vacations without worrying about how to get time off or wondering how to pay for it?

Do you like the idea of a business you can work from home, part-time, whenever you can fit it into your already busy schedule?

If you are like me, you probably don't have an extra $20K, $50K, or $100K or more to buy a business or franchise and you probably don't know anyone who will give or loan it to you either!

So, because most network marketing opportunities only cost a few hundred dollars, they are the only way for most of us to get residual income for retirement. But there is a problem.

But how do you every tell which ones are good opportunities and which aren't?

If you have looked at any network marketing opportunities, you have noticed that they all claim to have the "best product", the "best compensation plan", the "best opportunity" and the "best founder" in the entire industry.

With all the hype and thousands of opportunities in the network marketing industry, I'm going to share with you one question that you can ask yourself about any opportunity that will save you tons of time and eliminate 98% or more of them right away.

It is. . .

"Would you, yourself, buy the product or service being offered, at that price, if there were no business opportunity attached to it?"

Would you buy a $30 bottle of juice or a $5 bar of soap from a network marketing company when you can get something very similar in a store for 1/4th the price?

My recommendation is not to get involved with any network marketing opportunity that sells a product or service you would not buy yourself. It's not easy to build a business, but if you don't have a passion for the product or service being sold, it's almost impossible. It's too easy to quit.

Then, ask yourself if you would buy and use the product or service at the price it is being offered at?

If the answer is "no" on the price, that means people will only be getting involved for the opportunity, not the product.

It's a lot easier to build a business offering a product or service if that product or service stands alone as a good value.

So, again, only sign up for an opportunity where you can answer this question with a solid "Yes".

"Would you, yourself, buy the product or service being offered, at that price, if there were no business opportunity attached to it?"

This should help you to easily cut through the hype and find the really good opportunities.


If you find an opportunity that passes this first test, you might also find my "10 criteria for the perfect home business" to be helpful in further narrowing down your choices. Those 10 criteria are included in my e-book titled "10 Steps To Your Dream Life For Work-At-Home Moms" that is available for free at






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