By Ron Taylor

You can make money in MLM, but I won't try to kid you into believing it will come without a bit of work.

Given that, I have learned from experience that to make money in MLM, you need to adhere to at least these four basic principles...

1. Set goals. I know, you've heard that before. But, it truly is important. Put them in writing. Make them specific, and give yourself deadlines for achieving your goals. One more thing about goals--keep them action oriented. Forget focusing on the new car, focus on writing the next article, posting a new ad, or meeting with another prospect.

2. If you expect or want massive results, you will have to take massive action. I'm always amazed by people who complain of making low commission checks in their business; but, when you dig a bit deeper, you discover the complainer received exactly what he or she worked for-next to nothing.

If you've ever heard the expression "you reap what you sow," then you'll understand this principle. Again, if you want to make a lot of money in network marketing, then you will have to take massive action to achieve it.

3. Sacrifices may be called for. No, I'm not talking about cutting hearts out here, or worshipping the Sun God. Rather, the idea behind this principle is to help you recognize that success requires compromises. For example, you may have to miss the next football game on television to conduct a live webinar with your team, or you may have to skip your morning latte at your favorite coffee shop so you can save a few bucks to buy a leads package.

Either way, the idea behind making sacrifices asks you to prioritize your life. If you can honestly say that building a profitable business is more important to you than having a latte tomorrow morning, or catching the big game on television, then you may be ready to achieve success in your home business.

4. Finally, you'll need to have a strong reason why it is important to you to achieve your goals. It's not enough just to "wish" for a huge residual check or financial freedom, you must be able to attach that so-called wish to a strong emotional "why."

For many people, their why relates to wanting to care for family members, pay for a child's college education, or afford a better health insurance plan for a loved one. Your "why" will become your motivation when you face rejection in your business or contemplate quitting before you have achieved success.

Whatever your reason for pursuing network marketing as a home business, keep in mind that your level of success will be limited by your goals, the action you take, the sacrifices you make, and the motivation to continue when the odds are stacked against your success.

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  1. Dominic December 1, 2009 at 8:01:00 PM PST  


    Some MLM business opportunities are better for people with certain skills or you may need to develop certain skills. For example, if you are not all that good at marketing, then you may want to take a class or find MLM business opportunity that offer a lot of pre-made marketing materials.

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