Many network marketing distributors neglect one extremely important aspect of their business. That aspect is called "making sales". The truth is, sales are the lifeblood of your network marketing business. It pays for your short term expenses and builds the initial connection with your target market. You have two choices on what to sell on the front end. It could be your company's product, such as weight loss drinks and supplements. Or you could create an information product that contains generic training information about MLM, then sell it to the network marketing crowd. Whatever product you plan to offer, the following tips will help you gain more sales:

1. Increase the perceived value of your offer. Whether you are selling online or offline, you must learn how to increase the perceived value of your product. To do this, you must have a knowledge of human psychology and what motivates customers to buy. Knowing the needs of your market will help you know which product benefits to highlight when you're communicating with highly interested prospects.

2. Give freebies along the main product. You can choose to attach related products to the main product that you're offering. For example, you're selling a weight loss drink. Tell them that you will include free bonuses such as a free weight loss training guide, inspirational workbook, or a free CD.

3. Give time deadlines. People have one thing in common. We have a fear called "fear of loss". When you tell them that a certain product discount will only be available for three days, many will take advantage of the opportunity to buy now, for fear of losing the discount. Use this to your advantage and attract more customers.

However, making sales is just one small aspect of the overall picture of MLM success. If you want to succeed long term, you have to master how to turn customers into loyal members of your downline. When you visit my website, I'll show you some proven strategies on how to do that effectively.

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