Network Marketing is like farming. You have to seed before you harvest. It takes time for that seed to grow. But with cultivation, care, rain, and sunshine there will be a harvest. Farming can be a great way of life, but it can also be hard. Often it is impossible to plan for a crop failure due to weather changes such as draught or too much rain. The economy can also be a factor as well. If they choose to work a second job the time working has to be flexible.

The work ethic of the farmer is what is needed in network marketing. Many begin and come to find out it isn't that easy. Network Marketing is like farming. You have to seed before you harvest. It takes time for that seed to grow. But with cultivation, care, rain, and sunshine there will be a harvest.

There is also an element of faith involved. You spread the seed with the expectation that there will be a harvest. That is also true with network marketing, you have to "spread the seed" first with the expectation of a harvest, you don't actually know when and where that is going to happen but you still have to continue the process.

Before I could accomplish what I had, I also had to go through the seeding and weeding process personally. Many think they can jump right from seed to harvest. Just as that doesn't work in farming so that is true also with network marketing. There is a process of growth for both yourself and all of those you sponsor into you MLM opportunity.

I heard it explained best this way: First they have to have faith in you (seed) enough to begin the process. Second they begin to learn to take some action (cultivation). Third they begin to follow your lead and duplicate what you did, (harvest). Many think the harvest is at the sponsoring time, that is not true. Jim Rohn had a great analogy with the farming, we seed in the Springtime, that is the sponsoring and recruiting process. In the Summer time we cultivate and protect against threats (the growth period of the young distributor.) In the Fall is harvest time, (we begin to see the fruits of our efforts with the new recruits, as they gain confidence and skill). In the Winter we are at rest, (While we continue to "Mentor, Protect, and teach.) In the Spring we start again.

Network Marketing is not about the money - it's about people. Build people and then the people will build the business. Even if we would never make any money in this businesses, we're growing and becoming the people we were meant to be, and we're helping others grow into leaders.

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Lynda Cromar

Your Internet Coach

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