Hi everyone. Verniel Cutar here spending a much awaited relaxation break, after a turbulent and busy weekend! Group projects, midterm exams, and a couple of written papers! My brain's bleeding...lol! As you know, I have recently decided to continue my college education, taking up a business degree. (I decided to take up that course because I believe it will help me in many aspects of my life, not just in MLM).

Anyway, in this brief blog post, let me address a common misconception circulating within the MLM industry at this very moment. Some "gurus" and MLM junkies claim that the business information being taught in schools and colleges CANNOT be used in the real world (particularly in network marketing).

Well, I only agree to a certain extent. Theories, if not used in a practical sense and not applied in real life situations, are useless.

However, if you open your eyes to all the wonderful information being taught in the academic world, then use the same concepts in real life situations, you will doubtless have an unlimited arsenal of business building techniques at your disposal!

For example, recently, I came across the Path-Goal Leadership Model concept by Robert House and Martin Evans.

This leadership theory states that a leader's job is simply to provide three (3) basic things to the members of the group:

1. Task Structure - When you say task structure, we are referring to the division of labor within the team. Your role as a leader is to provide clear job assignments, clear expectations, and specific goals to be achieved. When there is a clear "structure" of what needs to be done, all the group members become effective and efficient because they know what is expected of them.

2. Support - Here, we are referring to the way you motivate your team members to do the job. There are two parts of this: (1) Task support, and (2) Psychological support.

In task support, you provide your team members the necessary materials, equipment, tools, venue, and training needed to accomplish the job.

In psychological support, you cater to inner motivational drives by using encouragement, inspiration, and consideration. When you provide proper psychological support, people tend to work better towards achieving team goals.

3. Rewards - This is the part when you reward team members each time they accomplish goals. This may be in the form of material rewards, or emotional rewards. You may choose to give gifts or additional bonuses to high achievers, or you can give recognition and praise to those who accomplish vital team tasks.

** Personally, I think this Path-Goal Leadership Model can be used in the network marketing world. If you accept that you're an MLM leader, your role is to provide:

Structure - Clear expectations and goals. You set a target for your downline members (ex: each downline member should bring 5 others), etc.

Support - You provide task support in the form of MLM tools such as websites, autoresponders, training, software, etc. You provide psychological support in the form of follow up calls and mailings, and giving out words of inspiration (training calls, build a community, etc.)

Rewards - You recognize key team leaders and make sure their efforts don't go unnoticed. You give spillovers and special favors to downline members who perform well.

** When these three factors are met, the Path-Goal Leadership model states that there will be a clear transition from the path towards the goals of the team. Everyvody benefits. Everybody earns. The downline grows. New customers are generated. Business becomes good.

I have personally proven this in my personal life and am beginning to see positive results in my MLM business when I recently applied this concept in network marketing. You can try it too!

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