Be genuinely sincere in helping prospects. Sometimes it's easy for MLM distributors to "look out for number one", and place their entire focus on the affiliate commission they will get. The problem is, this attitude of extreme self interest is unconsciously communicated to prospects through our body language. When prospects sense that you're just out to close one more sale, or trying to victimize another innocent victim to hop into some pyramid scheme. You sure don't like that to happen! The only solution to this type of rapport problem is to be genuinely and honestly interested with the welfare of the customers and the benefits THEY will get. Make that your top priority. You must realize that as a professional marketer, you DON'T get paid if people's wants, needs and longings are not satisfied.

Never take any MLM 'guru advice' literally and verbatim, until you've proven and validated it for yourself through personal experience. Other networkers jut blindly take the gurus at their word, just because Mr. Genius or Amazing Mentor has made 1 Billion dollars in the last 24 hours. Don't just blindly follow marketing advice and lift it to the status of factuality until you've personally tried it and proven that it works. I'm not saying that "guru advices" are bad and misleading, but you have to understand that principles are just the tip of the iceberg. There's more clockwork going on behind the scenes, that perhaps, you're just not prepared to engage in them especially if you're new. My point is, being discriminative of the marketing advice that you receive and follow will save you more time, energy, money, and lots of hard learned lessons.

Third tip is to put consistency in your marketing efforts. Just like the fisherman who is not certain about the amount of fishes he will capture in a certain day, you also don't have control over the amount of people you will sponsor. You cannot just wake up one morning and say, "10 people will sign up today". Although that's certainly not a bad goal, the point I'm trying to make is that you cannot control and predict the outcome of your marketing efforts (except if you're a prophet). But there's ONE thing that you have control over, and that is the CONSISTENCY of your marketing campaigns!

You have control over the amount of ads you will place.

You have control over the amount of people you will APPROACH and share your offer about.

You can predict the amount of promotional articles you will submit in article directories.

Or as an offline networker, you can predict the amount of seminars you will hold in a single week.

As a fisherman, you can control how many ounces of bait you will throw out into the ocean. You actually decide how deep in the water you will place the hook!

The key is to identify the activities and actions that actually makes money for you, then do them on a consistent basis! Results may vary from time to time. In certain times, you'll only get fewer sales and signups. In other months, you get buckets and batches of customers and new business partners! But through all these ups and downs, the only thing that can sustain you and keep you alive and successful in this industry is constant action and consistent effort.


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