Here's a question currently asked by thousands of home business owners like you:

"How exactly can I effectively promote my network marketing / affiliate marketing business? "

Of course, there are many ways to market your business online. But the real thing is, you need to know which works and which ones DO NOT WORK.

To effectively promote your MLM through online means, you need to have the following the important things at your disposal:

First, you need original, interesting non-commercial CONTENT. The perfect way to advertise your biz is to create a wide range of content about the industry you are in. This will cause likeminded people to flock at your websites and offers.

The internet is primarily a place where people seek information, which is the reason why you should have CONTENT to give away before you even attempt to sell anything. If you notice, the BIG TIME people on the internet earning $10,000 to $350,000 per month have a HUGE supply of free content to give away...

They have free ebooks...
Free training newsletters..
They have audio webcasts and conference calls..
They sell cheap to expensive TRAINING courses..
They have well written blogs (like this one)..
They have videos at Youtube and Myspace..
They have informative websites..

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Great money earners are CONTENT kings and queens! He who has the most useful content and widest range topics about a specific category of interest, will succeed in capturing the attention of the MASSIVE crowd surfing the internet DAILY.

However, content is not enough. The MAGIC MIX happens when good content is matched with good advertising. The formula goes like this:

Good Content + Well Written Ads = Growing Income

The TV industry uses this formula very well to earn billions of dollars every week . The TV stations give FREE content - shows, dramas, soap operas, entertainment, news..etc..!! Meanwhile, they mix that good content with advertisements from well known companies.

The result? Of course...Big Money.

Google uses the formula too. In fact, if you look closely, Google is just a big mountain of content and ads. They invite advertisers. They invite publishers. And Google gets paid with the millions of clicks that they get everyday.

So how do you effectively ADVERTISE your MLM business?

Simply create a platform where you can give away free content which is MIXED with ADS.

* Create blogs with heavy content. Then point your readers to your money sites.

* Create informative videos that appeal to your target market. Post these videos at Youtube. Then at the end of the videos, show a link to your affiliate or retail website.

** Create free ebooks to give away. Inside those free ebooks, discuss some well researched information that will capture the imagination and attention of the reader. Then place some links to your MLM website or to your other income streams.

** Post useful tips and comments in various forums, then leave a link to your website, or your contact info.

** Give away free training, or create newsletters for your prospects. then market to your readers on a constant basis.


There, I told you a million dollar secret.

This has been Verniel Cutar.

Thanks for the applause., by the way. :-)

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yours truly,
Verniel Cutar


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