MLM is about getting people. That's your craft.

You should take the time to master your craft.

You should be an expert at transferring DESIRE to your prospects.

If you bore people with your websites, blogs, autoresponders, profile bio pages -- you won't get the results you want.

the key is to GIVE people a FREE solution to their problems.
You must shift from being a marketer, to a person who holds a heaven sent solution.

Your main focus should not be on RECRUITING, but on HELPING -- even if you dont get anything in return.

When people see that you're willing to help - that you're a resource of information that they WANT and NEED, you'll start attracting people like a horse shoe magnet!!

And then when that happens, they feel you are worth their money.

  1. Investrix November 27, 2007 at 12:49:00 PM PST  

    I agree once again. When we help others, not to help ourselves but to truly show a helping hand to others and let them know we want them to be successful and are here to be a support and guide they will realize they can find success with you.

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