Multi-level marketing is a business model that lets products and services be distributed primarily through word of mouth advertising. In easier terms, MLM is a way of pushing products and services by simply telling it to others. Traditional marketing uses channels of distribution such as TV ads, newspapers, magazines, and radio to promote a business. Network marketing, meanwhile, promotes products through a circle of friends or primarily through a “network” of friends and relatives.
But today, many network marketers are shifting towards traditional methods of advertising. Many have begun to use radio, print, and online advertising. In fact, the competition in these ad networks has become very tight over the past few years. With everything that’s going on in the industry, what is the future of network marketing? Is it ok to use traditional advertising and prospecting methods?
In my opinion, doing traditional prospecting methods is not bad if (and this is a big if) there is a system of converting leads and prospects into raving customers. You can advertise and promote all you’d like, but if you can’t turn your ad respondents into signups and customers, you don’t earn money. Period.
The internet seems to be the best option towards advertising your business nowadays. Of course, I’m not saying this is the only way, but it is the best in our time. Never before has it been possible to write a three-line ad and potentially reach a million people with your advertising message. Google Pay Per Click Advertising, for example, can be a very beneficial tool for networkers who take an upfront selling approach, then a backend recruiting model.
All this simply means, the best way to advertise your MLM business is to advertise it online. Now, when you promote through the internet, you should sell upfront in order to get hungry customers. Once you have a regular stream of customers at your doorstep, you then “back-end” them into your business opportunity. That’s the process used by many MLM distributors who have taken their business online. It allows them to erase their advertising costs and automatically generate a stream of prospects, customers, and new distributors.
Implementing the plan above may not be easy at first. You have to learn some skills. You need to learn how to use online tools such as websites, blogs, and autoresponders. You also need to have a way of converting your leads into verified buyers and signups. All this can be learned. It is important to keep searching and learning new things everyday. There’s so much to learn from the internet.
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